
Real-Time Video Content for Virtual Production & Live Entertainment:
A Learning Roadmap for an Evolving Practice


The final draft of Real-Time Video Content for Virtual Production & Live Entertainment was delivered in early June 2022 and was out of date about 30 minutes later. That’s how fast this industry is advancing.

In order to keep up with the ever changing landscape of creative video production, this site is a living document that will be updated to point to current resources and new developments. A reference site on the web relieves the inherent challenges of using printed words to talk about moving imagery.

This site is a companion to the textbook and is not intended to inform on its own. The textbook informs and this website expands on that information.

Readers are able to contribute to this catalogue of resources by submitting reference material. Please get in touch! Check out the Contact link to contribute.


This textbook looks at the evolution of real-time creative video software and hardware tools used in entertainment. This work surveys how these tools are used, and how to plan for productions dependent on real-time content. 

From rock concerts to theatre, live television broadcast to film production, art installations to immersive experiences, the book outlines various utilization of real-time video content. The text reviews the intersection of gaming and performance that is revolutionizing how films are made and how video content is created for screens. Rather than render out a fixed video file, new tools allow for interactive video content that responds to audience activity, camera position, and performer action in real time. Combining software renderers with environmental information, video content is generated nearly instantaneously to simulate depth, creating a new world of Virtual Production.

This book provides an overview of the current software and hardware used to create real-time content while also reviewing the various external technologies the real-time content is dependent upon. Case studies from industry experts appear in each chapter to reinforce the tools described, establish industry practice, and provide insight on a complex and rapidly growing discipline.

Real-Time Video Content for Virtual Production & Live Entertainment prepares students and practitioners for a future working with real-time technologies and informs current entertainment technology professionals how to rethink about their old roles using these new tools.